What You Need To Know About The Basic Elements Of A College Research Paper
You are surprised that even after all the effort you put into writing your college research paper, your scores were not even up to average. Upon further inquiry, you find out that the problem is that some of the basic elements of your paper were actually missing. You are at a loss because you have never taken the time to know more about the basic elements of academic papers and as such, you can’t even place your finger on where you have gone wrong. If this seems like you, the time to belt up and learn more about these basic elements is now.
To make sure you don’t experience any further troubles with your academic papers, whether it is an essay or research paper, here are some of the things you need to know about basic elements of a college academic paper. They are as follows:
- Title Page: While this page looks simple with very few words on it, a single mistake on it would have an adverse effect on your scores. Therefore, you should ensure that it is properly formatted in the style indicated by your tutor.
- Table Of Contents: This is another important element of a thoroughly written academic paper. When you create a table of content, it makes it easier for your target readers to locate certain information without any troubles.
- Well-Written Introduction: There will always be that measure to check how gripping your introduction is. For this reason, it plays a major role in determining how much you score in your academic paper. Using interesting and related quotes and anecdotes, you can make your research paper’s introduction stand out.
- Page Numbering: What happens if the pin or holder slips off and your paper gets sprawled on the floor? This is why page numbering is very important. Depending on the format stipulated by your tutor, the numbering could be at the top right, lower right, or middle.
- Body Paragraphs: No doubt this one is not disputable. However, the way you structure the body paragraphs would go a long way to determine what your scores would look like. Therefore, find out from your tutor what format or style to write in. You can also get examples of old academic papers to guide you.
- Reference Page: If you don’t want to be penalized for plagiarism, then you should have a bibliography where you carefully type out the sources used in writing your research paper. Make sure they are alphabetically arranged for easier reference.