How To Make Your Research Paper Shine: A Guide For 6th Graders

There are a few basic elements to keep in mind when writing a research paper. You will need to prepare, outline and draft, among other things. It sounds like a lot of work but once you know what you're doing, it's easy to do it. If you want your paper to be the best that it can be, it should be given proper time, care, and preparation.

The first thing you have to do is find a topic. There are so many to choose from. You should choose a topic that interests you because it will make doing it easier, and even fun! Research is the most important part of your assignment and you will most likely spend most of your time doing this portion than all the rest.

There are many sources you can find your information from: books, the internet, or magazines and journals. When you are taking notes you also need to keep track of your sources (you will need to cite these later). You should write down the title of the book or article, the year it was published, or the address of the website.

Once you have gathered your information, the next step is to make an outline. This is a great way to organize it. It's also a good way to remember the main points of your paper, as each paragraph should have a different topic (or point) and information that supports that topic.

Now, on to your assignment! Using your outline to form it, begin with an introduction. This gives your readers a summary of what you will cover and a strong statement of your topic. The body of paragraphs, which usually consists of two or three, should give information that supports your topic. The conclusion is much like your introduction, with a summary of the information in the assignment.

Don't forget your bibliography, where you cite all your sources! This is a must – it will prevent you from plagiarizing someone else's work. Even if it's an accident, it isn't allowed, so noting your sources properly is essential.

It's easy to make it shine. As long as you follow the proper steps, you can't go wrong.

One last thing – revise it! Everyone needs to go through the editing process. All you have to do is look for mistakes. Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.
